Structural Analysis

Thesis Statement

In the opening paragraph [Sec. #1], the last sentence as highlighted in the following quotes would be the thesis statement for the two reasons. First, it contains the keyword the American supply chain, which reflects the title of the essay. In addition, the key phrase due to congestion indicates that the focus will be on the congestion problem related to the American supply chain.

Right now, the American supply chain — which includes US ports, railroads, trucks, delivery services, warehouses and the many people who run them — is overwhelmed. As the economy recovers, there is a growing demand for an array of consumer goods as well as the parts, raw materials and other inputs that manufacturers use. Because many of these items are imported, ports get backed up and cargo ships wait offshore. Rail lines have to pause service to major hubs, like Chicago, due to congestion. Trucks wait for hours to get in and out of ports. And as all of these supply chain components move more slowly, none of them can be as efficient and the cost of doing business increases.

Essay Outline

Coherence & Cohesion

[Sec. #2]



[Sec. #3]



[Sec. #4]



Take-home Message

In the last paragraph of the entire essay, the author directly and clearly points out that the best solutions for the congestion of the American supply chain is to take smart and robust action currently. The long-term strategies from the Biden's admisnistration is great, however, to keep the economic recovery on track, another effective action now is seriously required. Thus, we can see that in general, the author tries to convince people and the government that easing the American supply chain NOW is the top priority..

The Biden administration should continue long-term planning to make American transportation infrastructure the best in the world. Yet it should also take smart and robust action now to ease supply chain gridlock, reduce inflation and keep the economic recovery on track.