
About Me


   Hello!! Welcome to my website, I’m Elsa Lin from NTHU,you can also call me Shu-Wei, I'm a Taiwanese as well as a millenial. Nice to meet you!!

   In my leisure time, I like to sing, watch movies as well as comics and play volleyball. However, that is just some of my hobbys, because I am a person who is full of curiosity of many things. “Going into the unknown” is what I like to do. I think you got it. :D

   Into the UN~KNOWNNNNN~
   (with snowflacks floating down in the air~~)

   It's the semester of 2021 fall now that I'm already a junior on campus. When seeing freshmen walking every where in school with friends and roomates, I sometimes feel a litte bit sad that I just can't believe that I am going to leave school in two years!! (hehe, if no accident) Time really flies. Nonetheless, I still adopt a positive attitude towards the future, because I still have my family no matter what happens. Luv'em.<3<3

   嗨,我是來自國立清華大學的林書瑋,台灣人,是個千禧寶寶。 也可以叫我艾莎(Elsa),很高興認識你/妳!

   我平常喜歡唱歌、 看電影、漫畫還有打排球 (超愛排球少年♡)。 不過,你以為只有這樣嗎? 我可是一個非常具有好奇心的人喔! 我很喜歡「探索未知領域」。 我想你應該知道我在說什麼。

   Into the UN~KNOWNNNNN~ (雪花飄落)

   現在是我在清大的第三個學年。身為一名生活較無趣的大三生,每次在校園裡看到小大一跟朋友、室友們在校園的各個角落走來走去,我都會感到一點難過: 我無法相信我竟然即將要離開學校了 (嘻嘻,如果沒有意外的話)。 時光飛逝啊! 雖然如此,我還是以正向積極的態度來看待未來。畢竟,不管發生什麼事,我愛的家人朋友都會在我身邊的! 愛尼悶。♡